How should investors evaluate Taseko Mines Ltd. (AMEX:TGB)?

Stocks of Taseko Mines Ltd. (AMEX:TGB) traded higher last session on Wall Street, up 0.80% to $2.51. TGB stock price is now 41.79% away from the 50-day moving average and 75.26% away from the 200-day moving average. The market capitalization of the company currently stands at $729.66M. , while ‘TD Securities’ rates the stock as […]

How Do Taseko Mines Limited (AMEX:TGB)’s Fundamentals Affect Performance

In yesterday’s Wall Street session, Taseko Mines Limited (AMEX:TGB) shares traded at $1.40, down -2.78% from the previous session. TGB stock price is now -0.23% away from the 50-day moving average and -5.56% away from the 200-day moving average. The market capitalization of the company currently stands at $395.04M. Insiders disposed of 537,600 shares of […]

A secret that hides Taseko Mines Limited’s strength (AMEX:TGB)

Stocks of Taseko Mines Limited (AMEX:TGB) traded higher last session on Wall Street, up 3.45% to $1.50. TGB stock price is now 6.01% away from the 50-day moving average and 2.80% away from the 200-day moving average. The market capitalization of the company currently stands at $430.06M. Insiders disposed of 404,400 shares of company stock […]