Does Grab Holdings Limited (NASDAQ:GRAB) have deteriorating prospects?

Grab Holdings Limited (NASDAQ:GRAB) shares traded 0.54% higher at $3.74 on Wall Street last session. In accordance with the data, 27 analysts cover Grab Holdings Limited (NASDAQ:GRAB). The consensus rating among analysts is ‘Buy’. As we calculate the median target price by taking the range between a high of $7.00 and a low of $3.16, […]

Grab Holdings Limited [GRAB] attracts people because of its fundamentals

The stock of Grab Holdings Limited (NASDAQ:GRAB) last traded at $3.81, down -0.52% from the previous session. Data from the available sources indicates that Grab Holdings Limited (NASDAQ:GRAB) is covered by 27 analysts. The consensus rating among analysts is ‘Buy’. As we calculate the median target price by taking the range between a high of […]

Do investors have a safe investment in Grab Holdings Limited (NASDAQ:GRAB)?

In yesterday’s Wall Street session, Grab Holdings Limited (NASDAQ:GRAB) shares traded at $3.27, up 0.93% from the previous session. 27 analysts cover Grab Holdings Limited (NASDAQ:GRAB), according to research data. The consensus rating among analysts is ‘Buy’. As we calculate the median target price by taking the range between a high of $5.50 and a […]

Before You Invest In Grab Holdings Limited (NASDAQ:GRAB), Consider This Metric

Stocks of Grab Holdings Limited (NASDAQ:GRAB) traded higher last session on Wall Street, down -0.29% to $3.49. According to the data, Grab Holdings Limited (NASDAQ:GRAB) has 27 analysts covering its stock. The consensus rating among analysts is ‘Buy’. As we calculate the median target price by taking the range between a high of $5.50 and […]

How Do Grab Holdings Limited (NASDAQ:GRAB)’s Fundamentals Affect Performance

The price of Grab Holdings Limited (NASDAQ:GRAB) shares last traded on Wall Street fell -2.45% to $3.58. Based on available information, 26 analysts follow Grab Holdings Limited (NASDAQ:GRAB). The consensus rating among analysts is ‘Overweight’. As we calculate the median target price by taking the range between a high of $5.50 and a low of […]

A breakdown of the latest mutual funds holding Grab Holdings Limited (GRAB)

Stocks of Grab Holdings Limited (NASDAQ:GRAB) traded higher last session on Wall Street, down -2.16% to $3.62. According to the data, Grab Holdings Limited (NASDAQ:GRAB) has 26 analysts covering its stock. The consensus rating among analysts is ‘Buy’. As we calculate the median target price by taking the range between a high of $5.50 and […]

An overview of Grab Holdings Limited’s (GRAB) institutional holdings

The price of Grab Holdings Limited (NASDAQ:GRAB) shares last traded on Wall Street rose 1.18% to $3.43. Based on available information, 26 analysts follow Grab Holdings Limited (NASDAQ:GRAB). The consensus rating among analysts is ‘Buy’. As we calculate the median target price by taking the range between a high of $5.50 and a low of […]