The most important numbers to know about ON Semiconductor Corp. (NASDAQ:ON)

ON Semiconductor Corp. (NASDAQ:ON) shares traded 4.71% higher at $67.38 on Wall Street last session. In accordance with the data, 31 analysts cover ON Semiconductor Corp. (NASDAQ:ON). The consensus rating among analysts is ‘Overweight’. As we calculate the median target price by taking the range between a high of $119.80 and a low of $60.00, […]

How Do ON Semiconductor Corp. (NASDAQ:ON)’s Fundamentals Affect Performance

The price of ON Semiconductor Corp. (NASDAQ:ON) shares last traded on Wall Street fell -2.51% to $84.83. Based on available information, 30 analysts follow ON Semiconductor Corp. (NASDAQ:ON). The consensus rating among analysts is ‘Overweight’. As we calculate the median target price by taking the range between a high of $135.00 and a low of […]

ON Semiconductor Corp. (NASDAQ:ON): A Fundamentally Weighted Stock for Long-Term Investors

ON Semiconductor Corp. (NASDAQ:ON) shares traded 2.11% higher at $92.05 on Wall Street last session. ON stock price is now -5.45% away from the 50-day moving average and 10.07% away from the 200-day moving average. The market capitalization of the company currently stands at $39.72B. With the price target maintained at $95, Rosenblatt recently Downgraded […]

Do investors have a safe investment in ON Semiconductor Corporation (NASDAQ:ON)?

The price of ON Semiconductor Corporation (NASDAQ:ON) shares last traded on Wall Street rose 0.04% to $96.83. Based on available information, 30 analysts follow ON Semiconductor Corporation (NASDAQ:ON). The consensus rating among analysts is ‘Overweight’. As we calculate the median target price by taking the range between a high of $135.00 and a low of […]

ON Semiconductor Corporation (ON) Holding Strong: What’s pushing it?

In yesterday’s Wall Street session, ON Semiconductor Corporation (NASDAQ:ON) shares traded at $98.51, down -0.99% from the previous session. 30 analysts cover ON Semiconductor Corporation (NASDAQ:ON), according to research data. The consensus rating among analysts is ‘Overweight’. As we calculate the median target price by taking the range between a high of $135.00 and a […]