How should investors evaluate Polestar Automotive Holding UK PLC ADR (NASDAQ:PSNY)?

Stocks of Polestar Automotive Holding UK PLC ADR (NASDAQ:PSNY) traded higher last session on Wall Street, down -8.07% to $2.05. According to the data, Polestar Automotive Holding UK PLC ADR (NASDAQ:PSNY) has 9 analysts covering its stock. The consensus rating among analysts is ‘Hold’. As we calculate the median target price by taking the range […]

There is little time left for Polestar Automotive Holding UK PLC ADR (PSNY) to reach its 1-year target estimate. How soon will it surpass it?

The stock of Polestar Automotive Holding UK PLC ADR (NASDAQ:PSNY) last traded at $2.60, down -1.89% from the previous session. Data from the available sources indicates that Polestar Automotive Holding UK PLC ADR (NASDAQ:PSNY) is covered by 8 analysts. The consensus rating among analysts is ‘Hold’. As we calculate the median target price by taking […]